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Once a week (if I remember) – I try to check the following items to see if they are as up-to-date as they can be… Adobe Reader Java Adobe Flash Player These three pieces of software are the three top-most exploited programs on my PC (and yours) – that if left un-updated, *WILL* let viruses onto your system – especially if you browse the internet as an “Administrator” – which is the case for about 95% of users (because browsing as a basic user is quite honestly, a pain in the rear if you EVER encounter something that you want to update or install – and that seems to happen about every 2-3 days – or so it seems). Today I checked my Browser plugins – that is done quite easily in Firefox by open the browser – selecting the Tools menu – then Add-Ons – the keyboard shortcut for this is Ctrl-Shift-A. Once the Add-Ons window opens – click the Plugins tab – then, look directly above the first plugin listed and you will see a small text link… “Check to see if your plugins are up to date” <- Click that link. This will open and check each of your plugins - you may be surprised to find that you have some out-of-date versions... I was. Adobe has YET AGAIN had to release a new Flash Player update - because the version I have has been compromised - and is being used to install malware. If you want to just update your Adobe Player - click here... Make sure you UNCHECK the McCrappee “free scanner” – it may conflict with your other AV software (no – it *will* conflict – you don’t want it). And please try (as we do) – to remember to do this periodically – at least monthly!!!