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ESET Technology

The ESET Performance Protection Usability Triangle

Trust Our Experience

With over 20 years of experience engineering security software, ESET brings you:
  • Proactive Protection – Get real-time protection from known threats and proactive protection against unknown threats with Industry-leading technology.
  • Peak Performance – Enjoy fast scanning and a low system footprint, so you won’t compromise performance for protection.
  • Simple Usability – Customize settings or create “set-and-forget” preferences to ensure ESET solutions adapt to your needs.

ESET detection methods

Get Proactive and Unparalleled Protection

Written in highly optimized code, ESET solutions are recognized as the most effective antimalware scanners in the industry. Having pioneered proactive protection, ESET effectively combines several detection methods to neutralize a broad range of malware, including emerging variants. In addition to the powerful ESET ThreatSense® scanning engine, which detects and eliminates new threats before they can do any harm to your system, ESET solutions also feature a multi-layered approach to protection.
Virus Signatures – ESET technology significantly reduces the scanning time needed to identify any particular form of malware. Timely and automatic updates keep safe from the latest threats. Code Analysis – ESET solutions enhance detection by analyzing files for any resemblance to known malicious code samples before virus signatures can be developed.
Generic Signatures – ESET analysts develop generic signatures of malicious code to identify a broad range of malware – including variants – using one sample instead of hundreds of individual samples provide faster protection. Emulation – Suspect code is monitored and quarantined to an isolated environment. Based on the code’s behavior, ThreatSense® then determines whether the given sample poses a threat and flags or eliminates the harmful applications before it can cause any damage.